With winter in full swing and freezing temperatures taking over, everyone is thinking about the possibility of snow days. For students, these unexpected days off mean extra sleep, sledding adventures,...
Seven Hills students are eager to make some new habits and change their lives for the better in the New Year. As the school community celebrates, many students share similar resolutions and goals that...
For students at Seven Hills, lunchtime is more than just a break from classes; it’s a chance to refuel and recharge. But what exactly are we refueling with? Opinions about the cafeteria’s offerings...
Stingers work hard in school and out of school. As Stingers advance through grade levels, many take on jobs to gain responsibility and independence. Balancing a job with schoolwork is tricky. Students...
Have you ever found yourself reeling from the insult of being called a beta? Or maybe you wish you knew what someone meant when instead of answering your question, they just yelled, “Ohio” at your...
For Seven Hills students, exam season is the most stressful time of the year. A significant part of your semester grade is dependent on a two-hour test, and you are expected to remember everything you...
With the holiday season creeping around the corner, students at Seven Hills High School are beginning to dream about the things that will appear under their Christmas tree this year. As I was perfectly...
Being Student Body President is about more than attending meetings or hosting assemblies—it's about creating an engaged school community. Our president, Nicholas Stein, balances a packed schedule of...
The Seven Hills Upper School is located in the tri-area of Madisonville, Kennedy Heights, and Oakley and is home to about 371 high schoolers. For students, places to grab a bite to eat can be just as important...
There have been many notable changes to the Upper School community this year. The cell phone policy, schedule change with community time, swarm initiative, and club system have impacted the daily lives...
There are many new teachers that Seven Hills has welcomed into its community, including a new member of the English department, Alison Roberson. Besides working at Seven Hills, Roberson described some...
The Seven Hills School features a variety of student life characteristics unique to this school community, such as the openness of the campus, extra help, and the phone policy. Whether good or bad, students...