At The Seven Hills School an event known as the Nerf Wars takes place during the springtime. Although this event is played by school students, it is not affiliated with the school. It is played between juniors and seniors and welcomes all of them, but it is optional.
Students make a team of six to eight people. The goal is to shoot people with the Nerf Guns, but outside of campus. People follow each other home, after practices, or anywhere else that is outside of school, to shoot their opponents. This game lasts for a total of four weeks. At the end of the four weeks, whoever has the most kills, wins money. Teams are up against different teams every week. Also, if you get “out” or “killed” one week, you are back in for the next week.
Junior Sophie Ottke Moore claims that her team is not doing too well, as her team takes this competition less competitively. She, as well as Senior, Alexa Kecman stated that in the first week, everybody is into the game, but as it keeps going, students get more disinterested unless they are very competitive.
“After the first week people stop engaging…especially if you’re not winning, if you’re not in the top five after the first week, you just lose hope because its hard to win after that”, Kecman said.
In terms of rules, Sophie would change, “how the rules are based,” she said. She stated that there are meant to be judges, but this year there is only one judge which can be more difficult. It could be more difficult because all of the decisions fall on that one judge, or there can be some bias when there is only one judge who has the power to make decisions without collaborating with other people.
A rule that some students feel passionate about is that the gun cannot be visible, such as having it in your car. A rule that has been established is that the nerf guns being used are not allowed to be seen, otherwise there would be a consequence. This is just one of the ways that arguments have been breaking out over the Nerf Wars.
For tips, Ottke Moore recommends to “Keep your gun on you as much as possible,” as well as to not tell others where you are going.
Senior Alexa Kecman is also competing in the Nerf Wars with some of her fellow classmates as well. She also mentioned how people give up after the first week unless they are extra competitive or are in the top five after the first week. In terms of rules, she would “emphasize the safety aspects” of the Nerf wars. Kecman stated that people have been shooting out of cars which can be a big safety issue.
The Nerf Wars are a student-run event that takes place outside of school between the juniors and seniors. This is a time where competition arises and is a fun way to end the school year.