RChad Raidron is one of Seven Hills finest guys. His enthusiasm, charm, and character have earned him the title of the coolest guy at school. He works as the trainer on campus for the Seven Hills School. Chad has a friendly relationship with all of the school members by participating in school activities, helping people with their injuries, and being an overall nice guy. His reputation is incredible around the school and everyone loves him. From the way he tapes others’ ankles to the way he scores in the teacher versus student basketball game, Chad is one of the coolest and most likable human beings to ever work at this school.
Growing up, Chad lived in a small town outside Indianapolis with only “a McDonald’s and a gas station.” He lived there with his family and his siblings. Growing up, he developed a love and interest in sports. While all sports intrigued him, one stood out from the rest. This sport happened to be baseball. At a young age, he started to play a lot. As he got older, baseball for him got more intense as he started to practice a lot. When he was finishing high school, he sparked interest in playing college baseball. He stated that his process was “eye opening.” He stated the struggle that he had playing games and matches, participating in practices, and working through the adversity.
While Chad was in high school, he was chosen to be an intern for the Cincinnati Bengals. This was a super eye-opening experience as well for Chad. He stated how much fun that he had traveling with the team to various parts of the country and viewing the players’ workout and preparation before games. He stated how he looked up to these athletes and modeled his baseball work ethic around these professional athletes.
After college Chad looked around for his next job. He joined a team called the Florence Yall’s and started to travel together attempting to get scouted by MLB. This process was also tedious for Chad and Chad proceeded to move around to physical therapy looking at many different schools, but eventually he found Seven Hills. He loved this school from the very first sight and was skeptical at first due to the socioeconomic differences, but in the end, he loved it. After a 30-minute interview with Mrs. Ilg and Mr. Willard, he had the job and became the Chad we know now.
Chad’s journey has been made possible through all of his hard work. His influence on Seven Hills is everlasting. He is a nice person who wants to actively help the community. From his humble beginning growing up in a small town right outside of Indiana, to being the coolest guy in the school, we all can agree that Chad is in the right place, and together we all love him.
Chad Liker • May 15, 2024 at 8:28 pm
I like Chad