Junior Vivian Brown is stepping into the spotlight in a unique way, not only as an actor, but also as the director of a student directed production of 12 Angry Jurors. Tasked with reimagining the iconic play, Vivian has brought a fresh and collaborative perspective to a story that has resonated with audiences for decades.
Brown’s journey as a director began with an exploration of the play’s themes. The play was written in 1954 and centers around 12 jurors trying to determine the innocence of a Puerto Rican teenager facing the death penalty. However, as they struggle to come to a unanimous decision, the facts of the prosecution come under scrutiny, and those who continue to find him guilty let their biases come to the surface. Initially, Brown envisioned a production centered on the mass incarceration of minority groups, highlighting systemic biases in the justice system. However, as rehearsals progressed and she engaged in discussions with her cast and theater teacher Marc Raia, her vision evolved. She realized that while her original idea was powerful, it didn’t fully align with the essence of the play. After consulting with Raia and leading several class discussions, Brown shifted the focus to a more universal theme: implicit bias.
Brown said, “For me, the play became about how people assume they’re fair and impartial, but their prejudices influence their decisions in ways they don’t realize. It’s not just about juries; it’s about how we all consume and react to the world around us.”
This nuanced interpretation of the play 12 Angry Men, now 12 Angry Jurors, set the tone for the production and influenced every creative decision, from casting to character development. With only eight students in her theater class, Brown faced the challenge of finding additional actors to fill the roles of the jurors. She reached out to teachers, interviewed students with free periods, and assembled a cast that was both diverse and unexpected.
Brown said, “That’s one of the things that kind of makes this version of 12 Angry Men unique, because it’s including both genders. It’s not just men, its jurors—I brought in Sabrina Donovan, and it’s her first time being in a play.”
Brown also made bold choices in how she cast the roles, deliberately challenging traditional gender and racial norms. For example, she cast a woman as Juror 10, a character typically portrayed as a male bigot. Brown said, “It’s like, not what anybody else has ever done. And I think that it’s a really interesting way to do it, because the way that it’s depicted is really different than how it would be if I were to have cast a man.”
Casting herself as Juror 4 was another challenge. Brown said, “It’s really hard to cast yourself. You don’t see what others do.”
Once the cast was in place, Brown turned her attention to helping the actors develop their characters. Knowing that much of the play relies on dialogue and subtle interactions, she devised creative exercises to deepen their understanding of their roles. She introduced some of her methods for subtle performance, encouraging actors to choose a verb that captured their character’s intentions in a given scene. She gave me an example of one of these methods. Brown said, “We did exercises where they used tactics to influence a partner’s behavior— For example, trying to make someone stand up just by the way they spoke. Then we applied that to their lines.”
In addition, she had the cast participate in improvisation exercises, character interviews, and visual collages to explore their roles. Each actor completed daily worksheets that included selecting an important line, providing background information, and identifying their character’s motivations. Brown also met with cast members individually to offer guidance and feedback.
“Especially at the beginning, I got obsessive.” Brown said, “I just had a lot of ideas.”
Despite the challenges of balancing her role as director with her responsibilities as an actor and student, Brown has embraced the experience as an opportunity for growth. Brown said, “It’s tough. I have to enforce deadlines and expectations, but I’m also holding myself to those same standards while managing the class. It’s a lot to juggle.”
She credits her cast with making the process rewarding. “They’ve been so understanding and supportive,” Brown said.
As opening night approaches, Brown reflects on how far the production has come and the lessons she’s learned along the way. Brown said, “I think I worked a lot on leading in a way that encourages people to voice and incorporate their own opinions and acting styles.”
With its focus on implicit bias, a diverse and dynamic cast, and Brown’s collaborative leadership, this production of 12 Angry Jurors promises to be a fresh and thought-provoking take on an iconic play. It’s clear that under Brown’s direction, this play is more than just a school project—it’s a powerful exploration of human behavior and the forces that shape our perceptions.